Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Science Conference: Self-Evaluation Checklist

CW Science Conference: Self-Evaluation Checklist
Self-Evaluation Sheet to be turned in BEFORE Oral Presentation
Student Name: _________________________________
My project board includes:
1) An interesting Question that could not be answered with a simple yes or no.
2) My Prediction: I think _______ because_______ (site evidence… reason why you predict that)
3) A list of materials used. I was very specific listing amounts needed as well as tools I used.
4) The Procedure: I listed each step using 1,2,3.. and the last step said “Repeat the experiment”
5) Constant Variable(s) were identified on my board.
6) Manipulated Variable was identified on my board. (This should be the ONLY part that changed)
7) Responding Variable was identified.
8) Data Collection. I included a ______ graph ______ chart ______ table.
9) Conclusion: This was a written summary that showed how my data related to my conclusion. I started by saying, “My prediction was right/wrong.” Then I explained the date, citing the data range and concluded by saying I know ______________ because _____________________________.
10) I stated the application for my question. I showed how this question has an impact on mankind.
11) My display board is NEAT (typed).
12 ) My display board is visually appealing.
13) My information on my display board is accurate and informative.
14) I worked with a partner to provide reliable results (repeat the experiment)
Scientific Notebook:
1) Included All parts of my investigative proposal (question, prediction, materials, procedure, data collection and conclusion.)
2) Accurately recorded all data collected.
3) Was useful to me when drawing conclusions from my data.
4) Was NEATLY done. Others could read my notes.
Based on my self-assessment I think my grade for this project should be: ______4 ( I did all that was expected + more)
My notetaking was thorough and my results were accurate. If I made a mistake, (like having more than one manipulated variable) I corrected it. Display board and notebook is visually appealing.
______ 3 ( I believe I met standard expectations for this project. I did what was expected but did not extend my thinking. )
______ 2 ( There are some parts missing. I worked on this project, but did not spend the time it takes to have a good result. If I did ______________ my project could have met standard.

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